atTAin Definition Advanced Mat Class for the Week of 08.19.20

atTAin Definition Advanced Mat Class for the Week of 08.19.20

3 Episodes

The atTAin Definition (Advanced) Master Class program is designed for Online Studio members with advanced experience and knowledge of the Tracy Anderson Method, and feel ready to master the angles and choreography like never before. Here, you will build the bridge of your mind-body connection, and learn the integrated sequences that will help you achieve the body you desire. Remember, the truth of your performance is the truth of your results - especially now!

Tracy's prescription: Follow this program 4-7 days per week for maximum results. For the intentional cardiovascular and skin tone benefits, perform these sessions in optimum heat and humidity environments. Watching the breakdown sessions is key to learning the correct form and the execution of movements.

Supplemental programs: If performed properly, the atTAin Definition program delivers the ideal cardiovascular component of your workout. However, if you feel you have excess weight to lose and still looking to build on your endurance, we recommend adding a session from our cardio library to your workouts. The atTAin Definition program can be replaced with a Multi-Task class up to 3 times per week for days when more than one hour of the Method just isn't possible for your schedule. If you feel that you have a particular body imbalance, consider adding a body-centric workout to your daily regimen.

What's next: For additional guidance on elevating your performance, subscribe to the TA Online Premium Studio. Learn more at

Please note: This class is designed to be followed in its entirety from the back camera view so that you can move with Tracy through each strategic muscle exhaustion sequence. We offer additional viewing options of the class to help you fine tune certain movements and improve your form.

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atTAin Definition Advanced Mat Class for the Week of 08.19.20